The Sugar Club brass doors in Metalier liquid metal

Why Liquid Metal - 10 reasons

Why Liquid Metal?

Why liquid metal is a question that is frequently asked when people are first introduced to Metalier liquid metal coatings.

So what is the answer and why liquid metal from Metalier?

Open the door and come on in and find out.

First - Metalier transforms mundane substrates into spectacular sumptuous metal.

Metalier liquid metal can be applied to almost any substrate – in fact all substrates that can be roughened or “keyed” for good adhesion.

That only rules out waxed surfaces and people!  The people won’t stand still while being sanded.   All jokes aside, did you know coating the girl in gold in the James Bond Goldfinger film would not have been fatal?  Oh well, it was only in the movies.

Second – it is light.

It is easier to install a Metalier-coated piece of MDF than a sheet of metal.  Less bracing is required.  Sometimes it is the only way you can achieve a metal finish – in yachts and airplanes for example.

One of our clients told us they rued the day they chose sheet metal over Metalier.  The workmen dropped the heavy panels and gouged the concrete floor.

Third – it is seamless.

The limitations of sheet metal just simply don’t exist.  No more joins where you don’t want joins.

Provided you keep a wet edge you can keep on applying Metalier until you have run out of wall, or roof or it’s time for lunch.  A little secret – if you want to coat a dome, you need two sprayers who start together and then meet round the other side.  That means they each have a wet edge when they meet.

Fourth – it is cold

Metalier is a cold process, so delicate substrates are not damaged.  It can be applied to almost anything from paper to fibreglass, polystyrene, latex and stone.

Being able to coat unusual substrates such as polystyrene and latex means that Metalier liquid metal is a boon for the film and larp industries.

There is hardly a more cost-effective substrate than MDF.  Metalier simply transforms this humble builders’  “go-to” material into glamorous, lustrous metal.

Fifth – it isn’t limited to flat surfaces.

It goes round curves – both concave and convex.  Even complex designs in almost any configuration can be coated with Metalier metals.

It’s quite frankly expensive to mould or curve sheet metal and statues and other complex designs, in the absence of liquid metal, need to be cast.  There is no practical alternative for complicated pieces like the Dr Gloom statue which we coated on polystyrene.

Dr Gloom; Metalier liquid metal; why liquid metal; bronze on polystyrene; metal veneer, film industry; decorative metal coatings;

Liquid metal also goes round corners.  It is easy to apply a liquid metal coating to a cupboard door, for example.  The edges can all be coated at the same time as the front face for a seamless look.  If the door was clad in sheet metal the edges would have to be cut and applied separately.  More time and more expense.

Sixth - it is easier to cut than sheet metal.

Cutting though sheet metal requires more robust tooling than cutting through MDF or other substrates which have metal coating of under 1mm.

Seventh – it is available in many more metals and colourways than sheet metal.

Currently Metalier has 14 metals available - aluminium, iron, gold brass, green brass, bronze, chocolate bronze, smoky bronze, gunmetal bronze, salmon copper, dark copper, dusky copper, black copper and nickel silver.  We are currently testing zinc and white bronze.

In addition to the metals above manufactured at source we can mix powders together to create aluminium blush, champagne gold, classic gold, rich gold, rose gold and gunmetal silver.

Metalier metals can be custom mixed to clients’ specifications.  The champagne gold for Harrods of Knightsbridge, London was created to a client's exact colour specification.

Why liquid metal; metal veneer; brass metal coating; welcome to Metalier; champagne gold

Eighth – it can be textured, patinated and waxed.

An infinite variety of textures can be created using Metalier’s solvent system and proprietary thickener.  They can be fine or heavy.  They can be created using ordinary household implements such as spatulas, rollers and even paper.

And then there is patination.  Metalier produces 3 different patinas which allow the creation of a myriad of different effects.  There is rust, of course, and also pearlescent effects, aging and Verdigris.

Black waxes will also create different effects, particularly on aluminium and the lighter metals.

Metalier finishes are boutique and hand-crafted so no two finishes will ever look the same and no two applicators will produce identical work.  That is one of the beauties of the product and is compelling for architects and designers who are always pushing design barriers.  It is also important for clients looking for the individual and unique.

Ninth – it is cost-effective.

Not only will the metal itself be cost effective, but you will save money on cutting, installing and bracing.

Tenth – It is environmentally friendly.

It is important for us all at Metalier to tread lightly on the earth.  Our coatings are so fine that they use a fraction of the planet’s resources when compared to sheet or foundry metal.

And why liquid metal from Metalier?

There is actually an eleventh reason to choose Metalier and that is our proprietary Metal Clear Coat.  This product is nano-based and very fine.  A very light spray of clear coat will stop the metal oxidizing and still allow the lustre of the metal to shine through.  This is exclusive to Metalier and Metalier distributors and applicators.  As our distributor in UK and Europe, Craig McDonald of Granlyn Specialist Coatings says “There is nothing like it on the market in the UK or Europe.”  We know!

But don’t take our word why liquid metal. Here is what our customers say:

David Ponting : Architectural Designer
“This is metal as art”.

Chris Norris: Brand Partners
“I just want to say it looks amazing and it isn’t until we turn it over can we tell that the surface is actually acrylic, not steel.”

Libby Priscott
“Metalier is a revelation and I am telling all my friends about it.”

Glenda Ray
“The door is in place and looks brilliant and we have had comments from a couple of tradespeople about how different it is.”

Felicia Wan: Creative Spaces
“Thanks for all your help this year.  The project looks fantastic”.

Shane George: Kitchens by Design
“I love working with your product”.

Join the party – get in touch now.

Contact our hubs in UK, USA, India, Vietnam, Australia or here at HQ.

Or complete the form below.

General Contact Form

Metalier liquid metal; aluminium; aluminum; Alex Bartleet;; metal as art

Metal as art

Metal as art is a term coined by David Ponting

“Metal as art” as a description of Metalier Coatings was first coined by Auckland designer and architectural creator David Ponting. David’s work is characterised by generous volume and exquisite material composition. He also specialises in statement front doors. We have been privileged to work with him.

Alex Bartleet art is featured in the showroom at HQ

Metal as art as a concept has also been in our minds as we set up the new showroom at Metalier Headquarters in Auckland, New Zealand. Some years ago, we worked with Alex Bartleet, a young artist.  Alex specialises in creating collages of objects that are often overlooked or degraded. By arranging them and coating them Alex makes them visible again. He turns the mundane into the extraordinary. Rather what Metalier does as well.

In our project with Alex he collected and mounted the various items for his works. Metalier then sprayed them with the metals Alex chose. Alex finished each work by hand with magnificent and financially beneficial results. We have one of Alex’s works in our collection. And we have at last been able to display it appropriately. It looks magnificent in our showroom as the picture below attests.

Metalier liquid metal showroom, Auckland New Zealand. Brass apple; copper bottle, aluminium; aluminum; art; metal as art

Metalier finishes are a form of art

Metalier finishes are truly an art form whether they are smooth and polished or more intricate and textured. The wide variety of metals available and the possibility to mix them in various ratios allows an almost limited colour range.

Each finish is hand-crafted and every craftsperson, whether they are in New Zealand or any of our partner countries overseas, will bring their own touch to the task. Add to this the variety created by the Metalier patinas and every client’s work will be unique. Metalier finishes are truly bespoke.

Our showroom is full of tempting creations that will inspire both designers and end-users. It is well worth visiting. And if you are not in New Zealand please contact one of our partners to view their displays.


Brass pitted, Metalier, Liquid Metal 2018

Liquid Metal in 2018

Liquid Metal in 2018 had a great year

We’re looking forward to an even greater year in 2019.  We know it’s not considered good form to brag but we think a little brag is allowed at New Year. And the brag is that we’re growing exponentially - so contact us soon if you wish to be a part of the global success that is Metalier.

Highlights for Liquid Metal 2018 were:

1.    Our new international website was launched. Live are the international site, NZ, UK, USA & Canada and Vietnam.

2.    During the year we’ve worked with customers in India, Turkey, Australia, Philippines, Indonesia, Russia and Switzerland.  In December we welcomed our newest distributor, the Hidayath Group in UAE. Hidayath is going to represent us in the countries of the Gulf Co-operation Council – The United Arab Emirates, Bahrain, Saudi Arabia, Oman, Qatar and Kuwait. This is an exciting opportunity for Metalier. Technical experts from Granlyn Specialist Coatings will conduct training in Dubai. HQ will assist. Metalier is becoming truly co-operative on a global level.

3.    We also entered a UK “Build” competition and were awarded Leading Innovators in Decorative Coatings in -New Zealand and Best Residential Coatings Project: Freemans Bay Apartment.
Very nice. Thank you.

What will 2019 bring?

We have a new distributor from South Africa attending training at Granlyn.
We have a new distributor from China coming for training in New Zealand.

When South Africa and China join us, we will be represented in all of the continents of the world with the exception of South America. Now who do we know there? Or who do you know there?

As well as all the international excitement, we have been very busy at HQ in Aotearo New Zealand. We have been awarded wonderful local contracts and we have also been creating new and gorgeous finishes to tempt people with.

In 2018 the most popular metal by far was brass - hence the picture of our pitted brass finish currently on the workshop floor in NZ. This was despite designers predicting that 2018 was the year for copper. Judging by the work we have coming in to HQ there will be more brass throughout 2019 as well.

Contact us to talk about distribution, application or how we can make your design a magnificent reality throughout the world at your nearest hub below or HQ or you could complete the form.

Metalier brass polish, liquid metal, metal veneer

Brass polish in stunning fitout

Brass polish a keynote in Auckland Apartment

Metalier coatings in a brass polish has been used to great effect on cabinetry in the lounge area of an Auckland apartment. The designer of this stunning fitout is Auckland-based designer Lauren Hare of Hare Interiors Ltd. The images are by David Straight.

Metalier brass polish, stunning fitout


Brass polish is 95% metal

Metalier Coatings are a composite of real metal powder and a binder. When sanded and polished the coating is 95% metal which makes it extremely durable. It also shines to a very high polish. Because of the composite nature of the product, however, there is an element of moodiness in it, even with a high polish.  This adds movement depth and interest to the end product.

The Metalier feature provides a focus

This quality of the finished product is demonstrated by its use in this residential interior and provides a focus for the other elements of the room. The brass, gold, pink and oatmeal, together with the little floral hint in two of the cushions, add up to an interior we’re proud to be a part of.

brass polish screen, Metalier liquid Metal

We happen to know that there is a glorious view out the window on the left of the image. The subtleties and warmth of the décor allow a balance between the inside and the outdoors.

Lauren is a regular user of Metalier Coatings and we enjoy working with her. She prides herself on intimate detailing and a mastery of form, scale and sensitivity to materiality.  We know that any project from Hare will be exciting and interesting to work on and one that we will be proud to have in our portfolio.

Metalier liquid metal bronze ballet shoes

Lightweight Liquid Metal

Metalier’s coating is a lightweight liquid metal.

Being so light is one of the advantages of this incredibly versatile material.  It is the second reason we give for Why Liquid Metal?

It can be used as a replacement to sheet or solid metal when weight is important – in an aeroplane, a yacht or even a bigger sailing vessel.

Using a lightweight liquid metal can also make fit-outs more practical even if the end result doesn’t require lightness.  It is much easier to install an MDF panel coated in Metalier lightweight liquid metal than it is to install a piece of sheet metal.  It’s easier to carry, easier to drill and if it is dropped the floor is likely to suffer less.

Nothing conjures up the concept of lightness more than a traditional ballerina in classic dress.  The ballet shoes shown date back to 2005 and we still have the original shoe in our workshop.  Still designers and architects marvel that we have coated a real ballet shoe with Metalier lightweight liquid metal in bronze.  It is finished off with green patina to create a verdigris look.

When we began our liquid metal journey back in 2005 we hadn’t done any work to showcase on our website so we chose items that would showcase the qualities and attributes of our material.  These ballet shoes were given to us by a real ballerina who had danced in them.

The shoes also show another feature of Metalier liquid metal coatings.  They transform the mundane into the spectacular – the first reason Why Liquid Metal.  While no-one would call a pristine new pink pair of toe shoes mundane, they have certainly become mundane by the time they have reached the end of their useful life on the stage.  Transformed by Metalier they become a permanent keepsake.

Memorabilia is by no means a large part of the Metalier business but we have enjoyed all the opportunities to contribute to people’s memories.

If you need lightweight liquid metal coatings for your next project send us an email or complete the form below.

The Sugar Club brass doors in Metalier liquid metal

Why Liquid Metal - 10 reasons

Why Liquid Metal?

Why liquid metal is a question that is frequently asked when people are first introduced to Metalier liquid metal coatings.

So what is the answer and why liquid metal from Metalier?

Open the door and come on in and find out.

First - Metalier transforms mundane substrates into spectacular sumptuous metal.

Metalier liquid metal can be applied to almost any substrate – in fact all substrates that can be roughened or “keyed” for good adhesion.

That only rules out waxed surfaces and people!  The people won’t stand still while being sanded.   All jokes aside, did you know coating the girl in gold in the James Bond Goldfinger film would not have been fatal?  Oh well, it was only in the movies.

Second – it is light.

It is easier to install a Metalier-coated piece of MDF than a sheet of metal.  Less bracing is required.  Sometimes it is the only way you can achieve a metal finish – in yachts and airplanes for example.

One of our clients told us they rued the day they chose sheet metal over Metalier.  The workmen dropped the heavy panels and gouged the concrete floor.

Third – it is seamless.

The limitations of sheet metal just simply don’t exist.  No more joins where you don’t want joins.

Provided you keep a wet edge you can keep on applying Metalier until you have run out of wall, or roof or it’s time for lunch.  A little secret – if you want to coat a dome, you need two sprayers who start together and then meet round the other side.  That means they each have a wet edge when they meet.

Fourth – it is cold

Metalier is a cold process, so delicate substrates are not damaged.  It can be applied to almost anything from paper to fibreglass, polystyrene, latex and stone.

Being able to coat unusual substrates such as polystyrene and latex means that Metalier liquid metal is a boon for the film and larp industries.

There is hardly a more cost-effective substrate than MDF.  Metalier simply transforms this humble builders’  “go-to” material into glamorous, lustrous metal.

Fifth – it isn’t limited to flat surfaces.

It goes round curves – both concave and convex.  Even complex designs in almost any configuration can be coated with Metalier metals.

It’s quite frankly expensive to mould or curve sheet metal and statues and other complex designs, in the absence of liquid metal, need to be cast.  There is no practical alternative for complicated pieces like the Dr Gloom statue which we coated on polystyrene.

Dr Gloom; Metalier liquid metal; why liquid metal; bronze on polystyrene; metal veneer, film industry; decorative metal coatings;

Liquid metal also goes round corners.  It is easy to apply a liquid metal coating to a cupboard door, for example.  The edges can all be coated at the same time as the front face for a seamless look.  If the door was clad in sheet metal the edges would have to be cut and applied separately.  More time and more expense.

Sixth - it is easier to cut than sheet metal.

Cutting though sheet metal requires more robust tooling than cutting through MDF or other substrates which have metal coating of under 1mm.

Seventh – it is available in many more metals and colourways than sheet metal.

Currently Metalier has 14 metals available - aluminium, iron, gold brass, green brass, bronze, chocolate bronze, smoky bronze, gunmetal bronze, salmon copper, dark copper, dusky copper, black copper and nickel silver.  We are currently testing zinc and white bronze.

In addition to the metals above manufactured at source we can mix powders together to create aluminium blush, champagne gold, classic gold, rich gold, rose gold and gunmetal silver.

Metalier metals can be custom mixed to clients’ specifications.  The champagne gold for Harrods of Knightsbridge, London was created to a client's exact colour specification.

Why liquid metal; metal veneer; brass metal coating; welcome to Metalier; champagne gold

Eighth – it can be textured, patinated and waxed.

An infinite variety of textures can be created using Metalier’s solvent system and proprietary thickener.  They can be fine or heavy.  They can be created using ordinary household implements such as spatulas, rollers and even paper.

And then there is patination.  Metalier produces 3 different patinas which allow the creation of a myriad of different effects.  There is rust, of course, and also pearlescent effects, aging and Verdigris.

Black waxes will also create different effects, particularly on aluminium and the lighter metals.

Metalier finishes are boutique and hand-crafted so no two finishes will ever look the same and no two applicators will produce identical work.  That is one of the beauties of the product and is compelling for architects and designers who are always pushing design barriers.  It is also important for clients looking for the individual and unique.

Ninth – it is cost-effective.

Not only will the metal itself be cost effective, but you will save money on cutting, installing and bracing.

Tenth – It is environmentally friendly.

It is important for us all at Metalier to tread lightly on the earth.  Our coatings are so fine that they use a fraction of the planet’s resources when compared to sheet or foundry metal.

And why liquid metal from Metalier?

There is actually an eleventh reason to choose Metalier and that is our proprietary Metal Clear Coat.  This product is nano-based and very fine.  A very light spray of clear coat will stop the metal oxidizing and still allow the lustre of the metal to shine through.  This is exclusive to Metalier and Metalier distributors and applicators.  As our distributor in UK and Europe, Craig McDonald of Granlyn Specialist Coatings says “There is nothing like it on the market in the UK or Europe.”  We know!

But don’t take our word why liquid metal. Here is what our customers say:

David Ponting : Architectural Designer
“This is metal as art”.

Chris Norris: Brand Partners
“I just want to say it looks amazing and it isn’t until we turn it over can we tell that the surface is actually acrylic, not steel.”

Libby Priscott
“Metalier is a revelation and I am telling all my friends about it.”

Glenda Ray
“The door is in place and looks brilliant and we have had comments from a couple of tradespeople about how different it is.”

Felicia Wan: Creative Spaces
“Thanks for all your help this year.  The project looks fantastic”.

Shane George: Kitchens by Design
“I love working with your product”.

Join the party – get in touch now.

Contact our hubs in UK, USA, India or here at HQ.

Or complete the form below.

Metalier liquid metal rose gold detail from Epsilon salon

Liquid metal colour range

Metalier liquid metal colour range is almost infinite

The liquid metal colour range available from Metalier is huge.  We say it's almost infinite because in 12 years of creating new and exciting finishes we haven't got to the end of the possibilities yet.

The liquid metal colour range is made up of standard and bespoke colours

The standard Metalier colour range includes the following colours:  aluminium, iron, gold brass, green brass, bronze, chocolate bronze, smoky bronze, gunmetal bronze, salmon copper, dark copper, dusky copper, black copper and nickel silver.  We call these colours our standard range as they come ready-created from our metal suppliers.  All the applicator has to do is mix the metal with the chosen binder (add MEKP if it's the solvent) and get spraying.

Bespoke metals are individually created

In the workshop at HQ in Auckland, NZ we have created a number of custom-mixed colours.  We pass on the formulas to our hubs and applicators of course.  Mixed colours include aluminium blush, classic gold, rich gold, rose gold and gunmetal silver.  The rose gold pictured - our newest creation and one of our favourites was created specially for the Epsilon Hair Salon in Mount Maunganui.  The theme-colour of this beautiful salon is pink and there is rose gold on the floor, on the balustrades and on the light-fittings.  It goes well with the holistic, cruelty-free ethos of the salon and its owner.  You can see more of the fit-out at the Salon website.

The team at HQ aren't the only clever ones, however.  It was our UK team that devised the champagne gold that was specially created for a ban of escalators at Harrods of London.

And our Indian representatives are particularly creative with their colourings.

We love a challenge and matching metals to a specific brief is something that we love to do.  The vast range of options available are one of the 11 reasons why you should choose Metalier coatings.

So contact us if you would like a special metal colour created just for you.  Email or telephone or you could complete the form below.

We love to hear from you.

Metalier liquid metal gunmetal bronze texture

Textured liquid metal: subtle or dramatic

Chose textured liquid metal

Textured liquid metal is one of the attractions of Metalier real metal coatings.   With texture you can create a vast array of different looks.  It’s the eighth reason why you should choose the Metalier liquid metal system.

Mud pies for grown-ups

With Metalier you can create elegant repetitive patterns such as sandscrit.  You can also go wild creating random heavy looks.  There is something very satisfying about making a toothpaste-like mix of binder and metals and applying it with a spatula or spoon or other ordinary house-hold implement.  Our team even make patterns using paper. It’s mud pies for grown-ups.

The ability to texture also means that you can create special effects using leaves and other things from nature.  Leaves, for example, can become part of the final finish or just lightly applied and then lifted off leaving a leaf-print.  You can use the same techniques on any pattern you like – we’ve seen it used with shapes and even with fish.  Maybe it would even work with those ubiquitous front door swans that were so fashionable in the 1950s – but then, maybe not.

We love the subtle textures introduced into the finish featured in this blog.  It was completed by our talented team in North America.  You can check out their website here.

Patinas and waxes

Patination is most effective when applied to textured liquid metal. The 3 different patinas Metalier produces create rust, pearlescent effects, aging and Verdigris.  The highs and lows of textured finishes show the variety that patina creates – strongly coloured in the depths with high polish on the highs. Black waxes also work well on the textures for the same reason – dark lows and light highs.

Boutique and hand-crafted

Metalier finishes are boutique and hand-crafted so no two finishes will ever look the same.  No two applicators will produce identical work.   Sometimes the same applicator can’t repeat what he or she did before!  This is one of the great attractions of the Metalier system. Architects and designers can pushing design barriers and clients receive an individual and unique look.

Pretty compelling we think.

Complete the form below for more information or to be put in touch with the Metalier hub nearest to you.

Metalier Liquid metal brass in Invive salon

Brass design luxury

Great brass design enhances spa fit-out

The brass design in this stunning fit-out for Invive Spa is the key feature which holds the design together.  Talented designer, Bridget Taylor from Spaceworks Design Group, is a fan of Metalier Coatings and uses them whenever she can.  On this occasion the subtle use of the brass metal rods set off the luscious colours chosen for the fit-out.  What you won't know unless you're up with our secrets is that the rods started life as pieces of wood.  They only became brass when they were finished with our Metalier brass coating.

Brass design pieces add a touch of luxury

The creator of Invive, Hayley Nithi has visited many luxury spas around the world.  Her intention is to re-energise and modernise the spa industry in New Zealand.  Building Invive and bringing the luxuries of the world to New Zealand is just the beginning.  The fit-out in general and the brass design pieces in particular are all in line with and provide a great home for the luxury products and services offered in the spa.

Sometimes less is more

The old adage that sometimes less is more is very apt.  Although obviously we'd like you to coat every available surface with Metalier sometimes that just doesn't work out and could be seriously over the top.  The brass design in Invive is like the jewel in the crown - the light touch that brings the whole design together.

The philosophy behind Invive resonates with us too.  It's holistic just like the philosophy of Epsilon Hair which also featured touches of Metalier - this time in rose gold.  This sits well with the Metalier wish to tread lightly on the earth by conserving its resources as much as we can.  We do this by using recycled metals and fine coatings so that we use as little of the earth's elements as possible.

All our wonderful distributors support this philosophy too and you can find out how to contact them here.

Alternatively, you can complete the form below and we'll pass the message on.

Metalier liquid metal drak copper bowl

New dark copper colour : liquid metal

Dark Copper is the new copper colour from Metalier

We named the new copper from Metalier "dark copper".  When you compare it to Metalier's original copper the difference is immediately noticeable and dramatic.  The larger pile of powder on the left of the picture below is Metalier's original copper colour.  The smaller pile on the right is dark copper.  We've named the original copper salmon copper.  It is a salmon pink colour - hence the name.

dark copper, salmon copper, liquid metal, copper liquid metal

The addition of the new copper to the range gives Metalier an additional colour.  It also allows our applicators  to create a new range of "hybrids" - metal colours that can be mixed on the spot by combining two or more of the standard metal colours we offer.  Think of rose gold, rich gold, aluminium blush and rose aluminium.  Copper features as a component in each of these hybrids.

The gorgeous dark copper bowl featured was created by one of our newest distributors, Abel & Glen of Sydney, Australia.  Abel & Glen are tasked with taking Metalier across the ditch from New Zealand.  We're very pleased to have them in the Metalier team and even more pleased when they turn out work like this bowl.  We'll tell you more about them shortly - we've asked them what they'd like us to say about them.  So far they've been a bit coy!  In the meantime, if you're in Australia and you'd like a copper bowl or something else then you can contact Abel and Glen here or complete the form below and we'll put you in touch with each other.

Contact details for our hubs are below:

For UK and Europe click here;

For North America click here;

For India and MENA click here

For HQ, NZ click here or complete the form.