Metalier’s coating is a lightweight liquid metal.

Being so light is one of the advantages of this incredibly versatile material.  It is the second reason we give for Why Liquid Metal?

It can be used as a replacement to sheet or solid metal when weight is important – in an aeroplane, a yacht or even a bigger sailing vessel.

Using a lightweight liquid metal can also make fit-outs more practical even if the end result doesn’t require lightness.  It is much easier to install an MDF panel coated in Metalier lightweight liquid metal than it is to install a piece of sheet metal.  It’s easier to carry, easier to drill and if it is dropped the floor is likely to suffer less.

Nothing conjures up the concept of lightness more than a traditional ballerina in classic dress.  The ballet shoes shown date back to 2005 and we still have the original shoe in our workshop.  Still designers and architects marvel that we have coated a real ballet shoe with Metalier lightweight liquid metal in bronze.  It is finished off with green patina to create a verdigris look.

When we began our liquid metal journey back in 2005 we hadn’t done any work to showcase on our website so we chose items that would showcase the qualities and attributes of our material.  These ballet shoes were given to us by a real ballerina who had danced in them.

The shoes also show another feature of Metalier liquid metal coatings.  They transform the mundane into the spectacular – the first reason Why Liquid Metal.  While no-one would call a pristine new pink pair of toe shoes mundane, they have certainly become mundane by the time they have reached the end of their useful life on the stage.  Transformed by Metalier they become a permanent keepsake.

Memorabilia is by no means a large part of the Metalier business but we have enjoyed all the opportunities to contribute to people’s memories.

If you need lightweight liquid metal coatings for your next project send us an email or complete the form below.

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