metal colors, metal colours, Pantone Marsala

Metal Colors | Metalier Liquid Metal

Innovative metal colors from Metalier

Innovative metal colors are one of the many things that excite us at Metalier.  Colour and design are, after all, what Metalier is all about and sometimes we have trouble containing our excitement. What with new metal colors of our own and a super new colour from Pantone, 2015 is going to be a great year for colour, variety and doing new things.

Metalier is introducing new metal colors

In the supposed quiet of January we spend a good many hours deciding on the new metal colors we will introduce to our range.  I can let slip that these include zinc and nickel silver but the others must remain a secret for now.

Pantone has announced its new color for 2015.

It’s Marsala – a sexy and warm sophisticated blend that complements colder colors and pleases the senses.  Combining it with a light grey-blue appeals to me.  The picture in the header to this blog post is a rust interpretation of marsala.  We like the little bark hearts too – just in time for Valentine’s Day.  We think marsala is a wonderful colour and as it’s a form of rather splendid alcohol too, it ticks all the boxes for us, especially on a Friday afternoon.

Metalier’s Marsala Rust

Metalier produces a reddish rust similar to Marsala by applying its proprietary Patina M5 to iron.  Our other patinas produce yellow, orange and volcanic rust so rust will fit any colour scheme you have in mind.

Metalier Innovation in 2015 is not just about new metal colors

We are also experimenting with new sharp patterns – stripes and squares and metal combinations.  They will still be hand-done but the new techniques we have developed will allow a more uniform effect.  We like it and are sure you will too.

To keep up to date with developments you could sign up for our blog, contact us through our contact page or complete the form below.  Any way suits us just fine.  We’ll look forward to hearing from you.


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